Foster Care

Foster care is provided by people in the community within their own home on a short or long-term basis for children and young people aged between birth and 17 years of age.

We are currently seeking compassionate individuals, couples and families to become foster carers by providing long or short-term or respite foster care. Foster carers can be single, partnered – married, unmarried or same sex couples – with or without children.

For more information please call 1300 592 227 to talk to a Life Without Barriers Carer Services representative or email

Direct Client Carers

LWB is always recruiting for casual workers with skills and experience in refugee programs, disability services, home and community care work, and residential care work.


Talk to your local team

As well as talking to your local support staff and managers, we have a number of ways that you can have a say about things that affect your service and support. If you are interested you can be on interview panels to select your own staff; and you can fill out a survey or call our free 1800 WE LIVE (1800 93 5483) service to talk to someone who will listen to you if you have a problem with your service. You can also join committees such as the Disability Services Advisory Council or talk to your state representatives on the council.