Strategic Overview

Our purpose – to partner with people and change lives for the better. 
Our motivation – championing opportunity for all

Our strategy provides the checkpoints that we use as an organisation to realise our commitment to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to live the life they choose. This is demonstrated through our services, models of practice, our community engagement, our carers and staff, and our systems and infrastructure that underpin our capacity and capability to deliver the support we have pledged to provide.

We reach each checkpoint by measuring our progress against key strategic priorities.

Key Priorities

This is our fourth year of reporting against our current Five-Year Strategic Plan.

In 2012, recognising the ongoing changes in the market and the growth of the organisation, LWB developed a three-year Strategic Implementation Plan that affirmed our purpose and values and defined the key Strategic Direction Areas of focus for the next three years.

In refreshing our values in 2013-2014, we developed a set of five key priorities directed at ensuring we reach our goals of the strategic plan in its final year. The five key priorities provided a strengthened platform for reviewing and planning ongoing activities. Over the next nine months LWB will be engaging with a large range of stakeholders (clients, carers, families, staff, communities, funding agencies, regulatory agencies, Commonwealth, State and Local governments, peak bodies, academic institutions) to help define the organisation’s next Five-Year Strategic Plan due to begin in July 2015.

The Five Key Priorities are:

  1. Embed the LWB Way
  2. Partner with People to Change Lives for the Better
  3. Improve Systems and Processes
  4. Transform Disability Services
  5. Sustain and Diversify Income

Each of these key priority areas has objectives and actions that direct our resources to support our clients to have the opportunity and ability to self-direct the care that they need.

Progress against our key priorities at the end of our fourth year of our Five-Year Strategic Plan, show we are tracking well in all areas. This progress is an extrapolation of activities identified on 30 June 2014 that are to be either scoped, planned, developed and/or implemented before 30 June 2015, and factoring in recognition of projects completed since year one.