We continue to modify, and at times change, our service models to ensure continued client-directed support people with a disability. The implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was a major catalyst for changes to our disability support services and the Key Priorities.

As a launch-site partner, Life Without Barriers has been at the forefront of piloting the implementation of the NDIS. These first 12 months of our pilot programs helped our clients and us to identify aspects of the scheme that worked well and others where we could feedback opportunities for change to the National Disability Insurance Agency.

The greatest challenge has been to plan for the unexpected and establish frameworks to support flexibility. We also reviewed and adjusted how we manage workforce recruitment, contract management, costing, and resources required by our direct client care teams.

As a national organisation we will be able to embed much of what we have learnt in the past 12 months as we expand our NDIS activities across all states and territories from 1 July 2014.

Hunter NDIS Pilot site

This service will be accessible for people from birth to 65 years of age. In July 2013, we began in the greater Newcastle area, where the estimated number of people eligible to benefit from the scheme is 10,000.

We established a Hunter LWB-NDIS Steering Committee that focussed on seven key transformation areas that included service design, cost recovery, and work commenced; and we convened an LWB-NDIS Governance Committee Meeting. The cornerstone to local implementation was partnership with national and state corporate services.

Australian Capital Territory NDIS site

In the ACT, Life Without Barriers has identified a number of support services clients are seeking. These include: accommodation assistance, assistance with daily personal activities and household tasks, coordination with managing life stages, physical wellbeing, travel and transport arrangements, participation in community and social activities, and support in group or shared living arrangement.

Tasmania NDIS site

In Tasmania Life Without Barriers has worked to create strong referral sources over the past 12 months. As a consumer-directed service, recipients of the NDIS choose their provider agency. We have also worked hard to provide people with opportunities that will benefit their well-being and which have not been available under the previous funding arrangements. This has included hydrotherapy, support in learning to drive, employment support and general life skills to engender long-term independence.

LWB has provided support hours ranging between three and 35 hours per week, depending on clients’ individual arrangements.